Welcome to Saints of Muerte.

We are a conglomerate of ex-Wagner mercenaries, various ex cartel members, and various other factions formed into one. We have come together with a couple of goals. Helping to offer justice to all who may need it, and can afford it. If you are being threatened, harassed, stalked, or have been *****d, or worse by some one, you have come to the right place. Given the right price, we will carry out your wishes against them, no questions asked. We offer this service for as low of a price as possible, we offer this service to everyone, rather than keeping this option in the hands of the few.

We serve under the banner of Saint Muerte, our lady of holy death. Like her, we offer justice to the dispossessed, and disenfranchised. We are here to help as many as we can, regardless of creed, nationality, *****uality, or any other characteristics.

If you are a returning customer, you may visit our login page to check the status of your contracts. If you are new here, or just wish to browse around, do so using our sidebar, even if you are not here to make a contract, we have a rich history we are proud to display here. If you are here to hire us for a contract, you can go to our hire page to do so. If you have questions, you can check our frequently asked questions page to see if it is answered there. If not, you can visit our contact page and ask there.